Online Budgeting Tools

Many are well aware of the importance of financial planning, but it is usually only in financially difficult times that many really realise it. In these times you want to make sure that your resources are put to use to best effect but not only in these time. Financial planning is a lifetime process. Spending less than (or at least equal to) the amount of money you have is the most important habit to develop if you want to be financially independent. There are plenty of online budget tools that assist you in creating a spending plan that works well for your situation and help you prepare for the future.

Online budgeting tools run in a browser on your laptop, PC, or mobile device and can be accessed from anywhere via the internet, no matter what device you're using and where you are. Many online budgeting tools come with useful extra features, depending on your needs, and there is usually no need to download any additional software. These online tools or services allow you to create a budget, work with financial planning worksheets, calculate spending patterns, and find out when money should be transfered to another account. Typically, access is available to a wealth of financial institutions, so you can download transactions from most banks.

Financial information you provide is stored online, in the cloud. Since personal and financial data is becoming an asset of its own, some people might have second thoughts about sharing their data with 3rd parties for the sake of convenience. For those people it might be worth looking into these alternatives: budgeting software (which usually involves downloading or installing a program on your PC, laptop, or tablet) or traditional budgeting solutions (completely off the computer).

If you're interested in online budgeting, here are some online budgeting solutions (some of them are free) that can help you with nearly any budgetary need you have.

10 resources for online budgeting

Each of the listed applications is designed to help you create and manage your personal financial spending plan so that you can reach your personal goals in a shorter time. You decide which approach best suits your personality and goals. Download or sign up and enjoy the financial peace of mind that comes from taking control of your budget. Each of the below financial planning tools is described as the "best" for a particular purpose, although certain tools also serve multiple purposes.